
Expert Locums is an established locum agency with a considerable presence in the pharmacy locum market enabling us to find the best jobs to match your needs throughout the year

Our experienced locum co-ordinators will take the time to understand your diary and working preferences to match the best jobs for you.

From the newly qualified to the experienced locum we at Expert Locums are committed to supporting your educational needs and continued professional development to ensure that our locums are truly the experts in their field.

Thousands of pharmacists have joined the expert team and opted for the flexibility and variety of work available. If you would prefer to do away with the headache of management and endless paperwork locuming might just be for you.

If you are presentable, take pride in your work and have a professional approach we would love you to join our successful team of Expert Locums.

Click here to join us now.

"I am very happy to be working with a great team whose staff look after their pharmacists." "Excellent and friendly customer service. Approachable staff and excellent in communication." "I found the service offered by Expert Locums personal, friendly and efficient." 

Expert Locums Recruitment

6-8 Bond Terrace
West Yorkshire


" Needless to say we are extremely satisfied with the service we received. Quality locums provided, even at short notice." - Church Lane Pharmacy, Pudsey, LS28 7LD


" Expert Locums are a very dependable agency and consistently provide us with reliable locums." - Firvale Pharmacy, Sheffield ,S4 8GN